Copy data from one sheet to another



I have two sheet(s), the first is called Names and the second is called

in the Names sheet, I have the following:

1 Name Work# Code
2 Doe, Jane 17 2
3 Doe, John 56 4
4 Edwards, Jeff 40
5 Franklin, Bob 27 2
6 Garcia, Sam 5 5
7 Henry, Joseph 0 5
8 Ignacio, Juan 48
9 Jackson, Frank 12

This list is an ALL inclusive list that can vary from 100 - 200 names at any
given time
and we would maintain list. this is created from our Host systems.

What I want to do is the following:

from the Name sheet, I only want to copy those names that has a Code number
next it. So,
in essence, create the Master sheet so that the Master sheet should look
like the following:

1 Name Work# Code
2 Doe, Jane 17 2
3 Doe, John 56 4
4 Franklin, Bob 27 2
5 Garcia, Sam 5 5
6 Henry, Joseph 0 5

What I have been doing is sorting the data by column C (Code) and then
copying it over to the
Master sheet every other day. I just wanted to see I could automate it a
little bit.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.



Here's one formulas way to have it dynamic

Assume source data in sheet: Names, cols A to C, from row2 down
where the key col = col C (Code)

In Master,

Put in A2:
Leave A1 blank

Put in B2:
Copy B2 to D2. Select A2:D2, copy down to cover the max expected extent of
data in Names. Hide away col A. Cols B to D will return the required results
all neatly bunched at the top. When you update the codes in Names, you'd get
the lines dynamically updated in Master.


Hey Mr. Max

Thanks for the help, it work great. Now, I just have to read up on the code
you provided so I can better understand it and see exactly how it works.

Thanks again.


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