Copy data from Closed Workbook



I am using this code:

Extremely useful!!

This is the sub I am using now:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
End Sub

I am just wondering how to make the range in the closed Workbook variable.

I surmise that it would require something like this:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim Last As Long
Dim DestSh As Worksheet

Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
DestSh.Name = "WeeklyForecastingAll"

With ActiveSheet
.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End With

Last = LastRow(DestSh)

'Call the macro GetRange
GetRange "C:\Documents and Settings\rshuell\Desktop\Weekly
Reporting\Friday", "WeeklyForecastingAll.xls", "WeeklyForecastingAll", Last =
LastRow(DestSh), _

On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub GetRange(FilePath As String, FileName As String, SheetName As String, _
SourceRange As String, DestRange As Range)

Dim Start

'Go to the destination range
Application.Goto DestRange

'Resize the DestRange to the same size as the SourceRange
Set DestRange = DestRange.Resize(Range(SourceRange).Rows.Count, _

'Add formula links to the closed file
With DestRange
.FormulaArray = "='" & FilePath & "/[" & FileName & "]" & SheetName _
& "'!" & SourceRange

Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + 2

'Make values from the formulas
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End Sub

But, how do I get the variable rows, from the closed workbook, into the
GetRange variable? Am I just making this overly complicated? Is there an
easier way?


Héctor Miguel

hi, Ryan !

did you tried using ADO ? (there are several ways), here is an example:
get in an (empty ?) activesheet all the data in "UsedRange" of the worksheet (from closed Wbk)

(important): mark a reference in your vba project to:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects x.x Library (x.x should it be version 2.8 ?)

Sub GetDataFromClosedWorkbook_ADO()
Dim adoConn As ADODB.Connection, rstData As ADODB.Recordset, _
strSQL As String, srcFolder As String, srcFile As String, srcSheet As String
srcFolder = "c:\documents and settings\rshuell\desktop\weekly reporting\friday\"
srcFile = "weeklyforecastingall.xls"
srcSheet = "weeklyforecastingall"
Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection
adoConn.Open "driver={microsoft excel driver (*.xls)};driverId=790;readonly=true;dbq=" & srcFolder & srcFile & ";"
strSQL = "select * from [" & srcSheet & "$]"
Set rstData = New ADODB.Recordset
On Error Resume Next
rstData.Open strSQL, adoConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
Range("a1").CopyFromRecordset rstData
If rstData.State = adStateOpen Then rstData.Close
Set rstData = Nothing
Set adoConn = Nothing
End Sub


__ OP __
I am using this code:
Extremely useful!!
This is the sub I am using now:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
End Sub

I am just wondering how to make the range in the closed Workbook variable. (...)

But, how do I get the variable rows, from the closed workbook, into the GetRange variable?
Am I just making this overly complicated? Is there an easier way?
__ exposed code __
I surmise that it would require something like this:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim Last As Long
Dim DestSh As Worksheet
Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
DestSh.Name = "WeeklyForecastingAll"
With ActiveSheet
.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End With
Last = LastRow(DestSh)
'Call the macro GetRange
GetRange "C:\Documents and Settings\rshuell\Desktop\Weekly Reporting\Friday", "WeeklyForecastingAll.xls", "WeeklyForecastingAll", Last = LastRow(DestSh), _
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub GetRange(FilePath As String, FileName As String, SheetName As String, _
SourceRange As String, DestRange As Range)
Dim Start
'Go to the destination range
Application.Goto DestRange
'Resize the DestRange to the same size as the SourceRange
Set DestRange = DestRange.Resize(Range(SourceRange).Rows.Count, _
'Add formula links to the closed file
With DestRange
.FormulaArray = "='" & FilePath & "/[" & FileName & "]" & SheetName _
& "'!" & SourceRange
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + 2
'Make values from the formulas
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End Sub


Thanks for the suggestion Héctor Miguel. I tried what you proposed, and set
a reference to Tools > References > Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset
2.8 Library. When I tried this at home yesterday, nothing happened; no error
occurred but no data was imported. Now, I am in the office, trying it again,
and I get an error that says ‘Compile Error: User-defined type not defined’.
What am I doing wrong? I liked the method that I suggested, and it worked,
but I get the predefined range imported. I really wanted to import a dynamic
range of data; a ‘used range’. Can I make a slight modification to the
original code (which I got from Ron de Bruin’s site)? I see that we are
using SQL in the second example, which is ok, but I’m not sure it is
necessary. Or, is it?

Thanks in advance,


Héctor Miguel said:
hi, Ryan !

did you tried using ADO ? (there are several ways), here is an example:
get in an (empty ?) activesheet all the data in "UsedRange" of the worksheet (from closed Wbk)

(important): mark a reference in your vba project to:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects x.x Library (x.x should it be version 2.8 ?)

Sub GetDataFromClosedWorkbook_ADO()
Dim adoConn As ADODB.Connection, rstData As ADODB.Recordset, _
strSQL As String, srcFolder As String, srcFile As String, srcSheet As String
srcFolder = "c:\documents and settings\rshuell\desktop\weekly reporting\friday\"
srcFile = "weeklyforecastingall.xls"
srcSheet = "weeklyforecastingall"
Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection
adoConn.Open "driver={microsoft excel driver (*.xls)};driverId=790;readonly=true;dbq=" & srcFolder & srcFile & ";"
strSQL = "select * from [" & srcSheet & "$]"
Set rstData = New ADODB.Recordset
On Error Resume Next
rstData.Open strSQL, adoConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
Range("a1").CopyFromRecordset rstData
If rstData.State = adStateOpen Then rstData.Close
Set rstData = Nothing
Set adoConn = Nothing
End Sub


__ OP __
I am using this code:
Extremely useful!!
This is the sub I am using now:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
End Sub

I am just wondering how to make the range in the closed Workbook variable. (...)

But, how do I get the variable rows, from the closed workbook, into the GetRange variable?
Am I just making this overly complicated? Is there an easier way?
__ exposed code __
I surmise that it would require something like this:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim Last As Long
Dim DestSh As Worksheet
Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
DestSh.Name = "WeeklyForecastingAll"
With ActiveSheet
.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End With
Last = LastRow(DestSh)
'Call the macro GetRange
GetRange "C:\Documents and Settings\rshuell\Desktop\Weekly Reporting\Friday", "WeeklyForecastingAll.xls", "WeeklyForecastingAll", Last = LastRow(DestSh), _
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub GetRange(FilePath As String, FileName As String, SheetName As String, _
SourceRange As String, DestRange As Range)
Dim Start
'Go to the destination range
Application.Goto DestRange
'Resize the DestRange to the same size as the SourceRange
Set DestRange = DestRange.Resize(Range(SourceRange).Rows.Count, _
'Add formula links to the closed file
With DestRange
.FormulaArray = "='" & FilePath & "/[" & FileName & "]" & SheetName _
& "'!" & SourceRange
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + 2
'Make values from the formulas
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End Sub

Ron de Bruin

Hi ryguy7272

Do not use ADO or the other code from my site if you want full control

Try the code or the RDBMerge add-in

You can use a named range if you want to use ADO


Regards Ron de Bruin

ryguy7272 said:
Thanks for the suggestion Héctor Miguel. I tried what you proposed, and set
a reference to Tools > References > Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset
2.8 Library. When I tried this at home yesterday, nothing happened; no error
occurred but no data was imported. Now, I am in the office, trying it again,
and I get an error that says ‘Compile Error: User-defined type not defined’.
What am I doing wrong? I liked the method that I suggested, and it worked,
but I get the predefined range imported. I really wanted to import a dynamic
range of data; a ‘used range’. Can I make a slight modification to the
original code (which I got from Ron de Bruin’s site)? I see that we are
using SQL in the second example, which is ok, but I’m not sure it is
necessary. Or, is it?

Thanks in advance,


Héctor Miguel said:
hi, Ryan !

did you tried using ADO ? (there are several ways), here is an example:
get in an (empty ?) activesheet all the data in "UsedRange" of the worksheet (from closed Wbk)

(important): mark a reference in your vba project to:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects x.x Library (x.x should it be version 2.8 ?)

Sub GetDataFromClosedWorkbook_ADO()
Dim adoConn As ADODB.Connection, rstData As ADODB.Recordset, _
strSQL As String, srcFolder As String, srcFile As String, srcSheet As String
srcFolder = "c:\documents and settings\rshuell\desktop\weekly reporting\friday\"
srcFile = "weeklyforecastingall.xls"
srcSheet = "weeklyforecastingall"
Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection
adoConn.Open "driver={microsoft excel driver (*.xls)};driverId=790;readonly=true;dbq=" & srcFolder & srcFile & ";"
strSQL = "select * from [" & srcSheet & "$]"
Set rstData = New ADODB.Recordset
On Error Resume Next
rstData.Open strSQL, adoConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
Range("a1").CopyFromRecordset rstData
If rstData.State = adStateOpen Then rstData.Close
Set rstData = Nothing
Set adoConn = Nothing
End Sub


__ OP __
I am using this code:
Extremely useful!!
This is the sub I am using now:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
End Sub

I am just wondering how to make the range in the closed Workbook variable. (...)

But, how do I get the variable rows, from the closed workbook, into the GetRange variable?
Am I just making this overly complicated? Is there an easier way?
__ exposed code __
I surmise that it would require something like this:
Sub File_In_Local_Folder()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim Last As Long
Dim DestSh As Worksheet
Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
DestSh.Name = "WeeklyForecastingAll"
With ActiveSheet
.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End With
Last = LastRow(DestSh)
'Call the macro GetRange
GetRange "C:\Documents and Settings\rshuell\Desktop\Weekly Reporting\Friday", "WeeklyForecastingAll.xls",
"WeeklyForecastingAll", Last = LastRow(DestSh), _
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub GetRange(FilePath As String, FileName As String, SheetName As String, _
SourceRange As String, DestRange As Range)
Dim Start
'Go to the destination range
Application.Goto DestRange
'Resize the DestRange to the same size as the SourceRange
Set DestRange = DestRange.Resize(Range(SourceRange).Rows.Count, _
'Add formula links to the closed file
With DestRange
.FormulaArray = "='" & FilePath & "/[" & FileName & "]" & SheetName _
& "'!" & SourceRange
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + 2
'Make values from the formulas
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End Sub

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