copy a file to My Network Places/Dest PC using command line


2000 lover

is it possible to copy a file to My Network Places/Dest PC using command line.
if so then please write it for me.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

2000 lover said:
is it possible to copy a file to My Network Places/Dest PC using command
if so then please write it for me.

Do you know the NetBIOS name of the destination PC?
Do you know the name of the share on that PC?
If so, what are they?

2000 lover

my mean is copy a file from sysop PC in coffee net to another PC that all of
are present in network places(such as Station1 or Station2 or...).

2000 lover

i'll check it out, just for now i want to know full syntax of command line,


2000 said:
i'll check it out, just for now i want to know full syntax of command line,
you can map a drive (it'll appear as a local disk to you) by doing
net use <unused_drive_letter>: \\netbios_name\share
it doesn't have to be an unused_drive_letter but it's good
practice anyway
and then do your copying by using copy/xcopy,...

Pegasus \(MVP\)

goarilla said:
you can map a drive (it'll appear as a local disk to you) by doing
net use <unused_drive_letter>: \\netbios_name\share
it doesn't have to be an unused_drive_letter but it's good
practice anyway

You may want to review your claim. Here is what happens
when you attempt to use a drive letter that is in use:

E:\Technical\Tips>net use q: \\pegasus\d$
System error 85 has occurred.
The local device name is already in use.


Pegasus said:
You may want to review your claim. Here is what happens
when you attempt to use a drive letter that is in use:

E:\Technical\Tips>net use q: \\pegasus\d$
System error 85 has occurred.
The local device name is already in use.

oh thank god :D

but you're right
for some reason i forgot that i always did a
net use used_drive_letter /DELETE

and well the practice is possible in Unix
(mounting devices on used mountpoints)

Oops 0_o.

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