Copy a file from website




I am a web neofite (do a lot of vba and Access) - I would like to put a
button or click on a page that would copy a file or files from the website to
a local folder, overwriting if an existing file of the same name. Does
anyone know if or how I can do this?

Thanks in advance,


Mark Fitzpatrick

You can't copy a file or files, that's not allowed since you don't have
programmatic access to the file system on a clients computer. What you want
though, is fairly simple. Jus tput the file into your web using File |
Import File, then make a link to it. This works best though if the file is
in a zip file, that way the browser won't try to open and display it as it
does with some documents (IE will try to open word, exel or other office
documents since it knows what to do with them). Putting multiple files into
a .zip is also the only wayt to get it so that a user can download multiple
files with one mouse click.

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