Copies property - can't make it work



I'm trying to use the Copies property to print multiple copies of a report.
I've tried the following:

In a dialog box for opening the report:
Application.Printer.Copies = 2


In the report's Open Event:
Me.Printer.Copies = 2

The report prints only one copy.

What am I missing?


Douglas J. Steele

How are you actually printing the report?

The PrintOut method lets you specify copies.


Thanks much for the reply. I haven't used PrintOut , but maybe I can
incorporate it to make this work. If so, kindly advise how to incorporate it.

I don't know why the code I have for the Copies property won't work, but it
seemed the simplest way to accomplish.

For the report, I have a simple dialog form with simple criteria and printer
selection based on the Printers collection of the Application. The criteria
and printer selection work perfectly:

Application.Printer = Application.Printers(Me!cboPrinter.Value)

(where a combo box lists the available printers)
(the reason for the printer selection is to allow printing to
PDF rather than the default printer when desired)

The "OK" button on this dialog form opens the report with the "OpenReport"
method of DoCmd.

But, the same kind of reference to object/properties for copies doesn't
work, i.e.
Application.Printer.Copies = 2

The report only prints one copy.

Douglas J Steele

The syntax for the PrintOut method is

DoCmd.PrintOut [printrange][, pagefrom, pageto][, printquality][, copies][,

It works on the current active report, so you'd open the report in preview
mode, then issue:

DoCmd.PrintOut Copies:=2


This works - thank you - but now the Collate argument doesn't seem to do what
I want. All the copies are collated when Collate is false.

I want each copy of each record to print together. What now?


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