Cookies available in iframe only with hostname



I am integrating two applications together at the HTML level with the use of
iframes. I am getting unexpected behavior in the iframe included content
depending on the name I use in the url. If I use only the hostname, such as
"billr" with an associated "hosts" entry, then cookies work and the
applications integrate. However, if I use the fully qualified name such as
"" then cookies are not supported.
Does anyone know why IE behaves like this? Wouldn't the hostname be less
secure than a fully qualified machine name.

I realize that I can change my privacy setting and make this work across the
corporation, but I really do not have this option.
It seems the best option is to use the hostname in the url, and push out an
update to everyone's hosts file for this to work.
Any comments?

Robert Aldwinckle

plex4r said:
I am integrating two applications together at the HTML level with the use of
iframes. I am getting unexpected behavior in the iframe included content
depending on the name I use in the url. If I use only the hostname, such as
"billr" with an associated "hosts" entry, then cookies work and the
applications integrate. However, if I use the fully qualified name such as
"" then cookies are not supported.
Does anyone know why IE behaves like this? Wouldn't the hostname be less
secure than a fully qualified machine name.

IE should be independent of how you provide its lookups.
I think you are probably misinterpreting your symptoms.
What I would do is temporarily get rid of HOSTS in order
to allow tracing of DNS requests. E.g. use Ethereal or netcap.
Then once you know what requests are done and why
you will have a better understanding of which ones need to be
overridden using HOSTS and how.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

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