Converting min&hundredths of sec to mm:ss



What formula can I use to convert minutes and hundredths of seconds to
mm:ss? For example I need to change 6.75 to mm:ss (07.25?)


I believe you are looking for a formula to convert minutes an
hundredths of minutes to minutes and seconds, the "mm:ss" format
correct? If this is the case and your minutes to the hundredths plac
is in A1, the formula would be . . .


. . . and format the cell to "mm:ss"

Hope this helps!

JerryG :


Looking at this another way, if you meant 6.75 to mean 6 minutes and 75
seconds, then use this formula . . .


. . and again, format the cell to "mm:ss" . . . but in your example,
I believe this would result in 07:15 . . . but I guess it's all in the
interpretation of your original post.

JerryG :)


You're right, I want to convert min and hundredths of minutes to mm:ss

One cell may have the length of time as 7.78. I need a formula that
can take 7.78 and turn it into mm:ss. If I am thinking of this
correctly, 7.78 would be about 07:45.

Jerry, I tried the formula you gave me and still could not get it to
work. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

Thanks for your help!!

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