Converting decimals to Time


Piers 2k

Hi folks,

For thousands of rows, time has been entered as 10.15 or 9.30. These are
correct times, as in quarter-past-ten and nine thirty. To perform
calculations, I obviously need to have a : (semi-colon) not a . (full-stop)

Find and replace won't work because 9.3 (nine thirty) comes up as 9:03.

I can write a macro, but trying to avoid since it's for someone else.

Any ideas?



Niek Otten

Hi Piers,


Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Hi folks,
| For thousands of rows, time has been entered as 10.15 or 9.30. These are
| correct times, as in quarter-past-ten and nine thirty. To perform
| calculations, I obviously need to have a : (semi-colon) not a . (full-stop)
| Find and replace won't work because 9.3 (nine thirty) comes up as 9:03.
| I can write a macro, but trying to avoid since it's for someone else.
| Any ideas?
| TIA,
| Piers

Bob Phillips

Another way


and format as time



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Arvi Laanemets

Another one
=TIMEVALUE( SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(A1,"00.00"),".",":"))

And yet another
Select the range with data.
Search for period, replace with colon, replace all

Arvi Laanemets

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