Converting Dates from YYMMDD to MMDDYYYY



Hi All;

I'm looking for a format function that will convert a date in the text
format of YYMMDD to text format of MMDDYYYY.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advance!



Change the format of the date field in the table to mmddyyyy - you can set
the input mask to about the same if you want.

Hope this helps


Uni said:
Hi All;

I'm looking for a format function that will convert a date in the
format of YYMMDD to text format of MMDDYYYY.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

If you store dates as text in Access, I think I'd recommend switching
to Date/Time, which is a datatype created for such.

But, to convert from one text to another, I think I'd work a bit with
string manipulation functions, and the DateSerial function. From the
top of my head

dim dt as string
dt = <yourdate>
msgbox dt, format(dateserial(cint(left$(dt, 2)), _
cint(mid$(dt, 3, 2)), cint(right$(dt, 2))), "mmddyyyy")

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