Converting dataset to dataview and sorting?


Brett Romero

I have a dataset with one table, which has four columns. All are of
type INT. I need to convert this dataset into a dataview so I can sort
on the last three columns. I may sort one of the three or all three at
once. This dataview will display its results in a winform datagrid.

Right now, I create the dataset from a datareader:

drow = _filteredCriteriaDataSet.Tables[0].NewRow();
drow[0] = dr.GetValue(0);
drow[1] = dr.GetValue(1);
drow[2] = dr.GetValue(2);
drow[3] = dr.GetValue(3);

How do I convert the dataset to a dataview then take the three criteria
and apply them to the new created dataview?



Where "dt" represents your table and "foo" the column name to sort on:

DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
dv.Sort = "foo";

Brett Romero

I did that but need to sort this way:

"col1 = " + col1criteria + " and col2 = " + col2criteria + " and col3 =
" + col3criteria

I apply that to the sortfilter but always get the same results in the
grid, which don't match the above sorting. I can look at "dv" in the
debugger and see its "Items". The row values are matching the criteria
I'm sending in. What could be causing it not to match the query?



OK, maybe you are thinking of the .Select method of DataTable?:

(from MSDN)

public DataRow[] Select(
string filterExpression,
string sort,
DataViewRowState recordStates

Brett Romero

I did try .Select but get the same thing - nothing. For some reason,
none of the sorting or querying has any affect.


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


Sorting is a way of ordering results.

What you are doing is trying to filter the results. You want to set the
RowFilter property to this string, and then it should filter your results
out appropriately.

Hope this helps.


I have what I believe to be a similar or the same problem.

I populate a DataSet with the results of an SQL query, and then apply a
DataView to this DataSet. I then iterate through the DataView Rows to create
an XML file.

My problem is, no matter what I do, the way the data is sorted is always the
same. so if I sort on "x, y, z" I have unsorted data in my XML file when it
is saved.

I don't think this has anything to do with RowFilter properties.

Thanks in advance

Nicholas Paldino said:

Sorting is a way of ordering results.

What you are doing is trying to filter the results. You want to set the
RowFilter property to this string, and then it should filter your results
out appropriately.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Brett Romero said:
I did that but need to sort this way:

"col1 = " + col1criteria + " and col2 = " + col2criteria + " and col3 =
" + col3criteria

I apply that to the sortfilter but always get the same results in the
grid, which don't match the above sorting. I can look at "dv" in the
debugger and see its "Items". The row values are matching the criteria
I'm sending in. What could be causing it not to match the query?


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