Converting a secured database



I have a database, secured via a workgroup (mdw), which I
would like to be able to convert from Access 2000 to 97
and XP. However, it would appear none of the user accounts
specified in the workgroup actually have enough permission
to do this, as when I attempt to convert, I get a "the
current user does not have permission to convert or enable
this database", even after logging in to the mdw.

So, what do I need to do to the user permissions to be
able to convert the db sucessfully?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lynn Trapp

Create a shortcut that your users use to open the database with the /wrkgrp
switch. The general syntax is:

"FullPathToMSAccess.exe" "FullPathToDatabase.mdb" /wrkgrp

Joseph Meehan

How much do you know about Access Security? If you are not comfortable
with it I suggest you start by reading;[LN];207793

Access security is a great feature, but it is, by nature a complex product
with a very steep learning curve. Properly used it offers very safe
versatile protection and control. However a simple mistake can lock
everyone including God out.

Practice on some copies to make sure you know what you are doing.

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