Converting 3.5 project to 2.0

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Hi, We started developing for 3.5 CF VS2008, then have been forced to drop
back to
V2. Is there a way of converting the projects back.

Or is the only way, creating new CF 2.0 projects and cut and pasting the
back in. I understand some apis wont work and would need to change.

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No. You might be able to edit the project files, but the easiest thing, I
think, is to create a new 2.0-based project which is empty and add the
source files from the old 3.5 project to it (and fix the problems).

Paul T.
No. You might be able to edit the project files, but the easiest thing, I
think, is to create a new 2.0-based project which is empty and add the
source files from the old 3.5 project to it (and fix the problems).

Paul T.
SImply open the project files with a text editor and change the target
framework to 2.0. Of course you then have to go back and fix all the
compile errors.


Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
SImply open the project files with a text editor and change the target
framework to 2.0. Of course you then have to go back and fix all the
compile errors.


Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community