convert to unicode



Hi All,

Im trying to convert a string to unicode using StrConv. The result is each
character has a space after example "T E S T"

Thank you in advance.

Tom van Stiphout

On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 20:32:01 -0800, RaulDR

That's what it may _look_ like depending on your editor, but if you
look in Hex you will see that the "spaces" are actually ASCII 0
characters and that there is also one after the last T. You then
realize these are in fact unicode characters.

Microsoft Access MVP

Howard Burgman

RaulDR said:
Hi All,

Im trying to convert a string to unicode using StrConv. The result is each
character has a space after example "T E S T"

Thank you in advance.


Hi Wayne,

Thanks a lot for the tip I was able to figure out a solution for my problem.


Hi Tom,

Thanks for the info, unfortunately I'm only using notepad that's why I
cannot see the ASCII characters

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