Convert to Military time?



I am attempting to convert already existing data to military time. The
existing data is dumped in from another program, and it currently looks
like 5:58:08 a.m. and 3:01:29 p.m. I want them to show up 5:58:08
and 13:01:29 (without the a.m. and p.m.)
Users are currently using the "replace all" option to convert these,
but it's a four-step process, and I keep thinking there has got to be
an easier way! Can someone help?

Dave Peterson

If I have a.m. or p.m. (with the dots), then the values are text.

If that's the case, I could select the range to fix
what: . (dot)
with: (leave blank)
replace all

Then just format the cell as: HH:MM:SS

If those dots are only in the post--not really in the cells, maybe just
formatting the cells would be sufficient.


Right click on the cells that you want to convert, then go to format cells.
In the category list of the number tab, you will have the choice of the time
settings that you can choose from (Under "Time" in the list)

Hope this helps.


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