Convert string to textbox


Steven K


I am having trouble converting a string to a textbox object. I am getting
the following error:

Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to

Dim objUpdate As New TextBox
Dim ctrFor As Integer = 1
Dim strForLoop1 As String = "tbxHandle0" & ctrFor
Dim strFrmObj As String = CType(strForLoop1, TextBox).Text

Thanks, Steven

Matt Berther

Hello Steven,

I am having trouble converting a string to a textbox object. I am
getting the following error:

This is to be expected. A string is not a TextBox.
Dim strFrmObj As String = CType(strForLoop1, TextBox).Text

How about:

Dim objTextBox As New TextBox()
objTextBox.Text = strForLoop1

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