convert serial number into date




Can anyone tell me how to convert a serial number into date?

For example:

01-OCT-06 is stored as 38991 in MS excel (i get this thru edate
function). I want to get the date using the serial number 38991.


Niek Otten

Just Format as Date (Format>Cells>Number tab, Category Date, choose a format)

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Hi,
| Can anyone tell me how to convert a serial number into date?
| For example:
| 01-OCT-06 is stored as 38991 in MS excel (i get this thru edate
| function). I want to get the date using the serial number 38991.
| thanks
| Santhu

Niek Otten

Or, if you want text: =TEXT(A1,"dd-mmm-yy")

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Hi,
| Can anyone tell me how to convert a serial number into date?
| For example:
| 01-OCT-06 is stored as 38991 in MS excel (i get this thru edate
| function). I want to get the date using the serial number 38991.
| thanks
| Santhu

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