Convert.Int32("0")causes{"Input string was not in a correct format



Convert.Int32 fails for "0" but works fine for all other numbers.

This does not work on one machine when "0" it works fine on other machines
gives exception {"Input string was not in a correct format."}

If I specify base 10 this works on all machines

So I have 3 related questions.
1. Why is it only happen when I am converting a "0".
2. Why does it work when I declare base 10
3. Why is this problem only occuring on 1 machine.

Somethings I have tried.
1. Compiled the code on another machine. The compiled code runs fine on the
other machines. I would think this eliminates coding/compiler issues.
2. Repaired .NET 2.0 framework
3. Reinstalled .NET 2.0 framework
4. Moved same code & binaries to other machines and had no problems.

Is there some machine/system or framework setting that could cause this

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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