Convert displayed number to absolute value



I need to convert a division answer to 2 decimal places and convert the
displayed value to an absolute value. For instance if the result of a
division is .93169. I then need to convert the displayed value (.93)
to an absolute value so that I can then multiply another number by the
absolute value (.93) instead of the actual value (.93169).

My question is how do I convert the division answer to an absolute

Dave Peterson


There's a whole family of rounding functions in excel...

and more.

Check out excel's help for more info.

Or post back with how you want rounding to take place for .9351 vs .9349 vs



As I understand your question:

You can change the number of decimal places of the number by using 'format
cells' property. Right click on the cell or cell range, select 'format
cells', ensure the 'Number' tab is selected, under the 'category' select
'Number', and to the right of that adjust the number of decimal places to 2
in your case, but by default it should already be selected. Then under
'Negative numbers' you should select '1234.10'.

If you are going to further use that result, then you will have to format
the subsequent cell or cells to reflect the amount of decimals that you want
displayed by using the above method.

Hope this answers your question.



Try something like this:

assuming your decimal number is in B1

or you can replace B1 in the formula with your division formula... e.i

The formula might return an #VALUE error if your divisions don't hav
any decimal places in the result, to correct this try this



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