Convert C# 'ComImport' to VB



How do I accomplish the equivalent of the IFilter Runtime Callable Wrapper
(RCW) code in VB2005 or 2003, published in I have pasted the code down the bottom.

Basically, my problem is that the ComImport attribute cannot be used in VB
(as documented in KB313506: I have
tried referencing query.dll, but this does not work. And I have tried the
Type Library Importer on the same dll, but it did not work.

I also don't know how to go about declaring the types such as IFILTER_INIT,

The code:

/// I can convert this bit to VB easily
[DllImport("query.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern int LoadIFilter(string pwcsPath,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pUnkOuter,
ref IFilter ppIUnk);

/// But I cannot figure out how to convert parts of this where I say
"<--this bit":
[ComImport] <--this bit
public interface IFilter
void Init([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
IFILTER_INIT grfFlags, <--this bit
uint cAttributes,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=1)]
FULLPROPSPEC[] aAttributes, <--this bit
ref uint pdwFlags);

int GetChunk(out STAT_CHUNK pStat); <--this bit

int GetText(ref uint pcwcBuffer,
StringBuilder buffer

void GetValue(ref UIntPtr ppPropValue);

void BindRegion([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)]
FILTERREGION origPos, <--this bit
ref Guid riid,
ref UIntPtr ppunk);

- Thanks in advance for your assistance!


I have also entered this question in the more appropriate "vb.winapi" thread.
My apologies, I did not notice that thread originally.

Mattias Sjögren

Basically, my problem is that the ComImport attribute cannot be used in VB

That's only true for classes, the article doesn't apply for

/// But I cannot figure out how to convert parts of this where I say
"<--this bit":
[ComImport] <--this bit
public interface IFilter
void Init([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
IFILTER_INIT grfFlags, <--this bit
uint cAttributes,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=1)]
FULLPROPSPEC[] aAttributes, <--this bit
ref uint pdwFlags);

int GetChunk(out STAT_CHUNK pStat); <--this bit

int GetText(ref uint pcwcBuffer,
StringBuilder buffer

void GetValue(ref UIntPtr ppPropValue);

void BindRegion([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)]
FILTERREGION origPos, <--this bit
ref Guid riid,
ref UIntPtr ppunk);

.... , ByVal grfFlags As IFILTER_INIT, ...

.... (<Out> ByRef pStat As STAT_CHUNK)

Sub BindRegion(ByVal origPos As FILTERREGION, ...


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