For exporting Access table data, you need to read the records in
DataReader and then write these records in .CSV file one by one....
You need to follow these steps:
1. Open the file for writing (in append mode) with file stream writer:
Dim sw As New StreamWriter("FileName.csv", True)
2. Read table in DataReader.
3. Loop throught the data reader, Read record in string variable, Write
in File.
Dim strRecord as string
Do While myReader.Read()
' Use ',' (comma) as seperator when you are writing field values in
strRecord = myReader("FIELD1") & "," & myReader("FIELD2") & ","
& myReader("FIELD2")......
' Write record in file.
sw.WriteLine(strRecord )
I don't know if there is some other way to do this.
Pragati Palewar
Palewar Techno Solutions
Windows & Windows Mobile Software Development
Nagpur, India