Conversion of Access 97 to Access 2000 (XP)



Can you convert an Access '97 database to Access 2000? I
have an old Access '97 database with tables, queries,
forms, and reports and would like to convert this to
Access 2000.

Thanks for everybody's assistance.

John Vinson

Can you convert an Access '97 database to Access 2000? I
have an old Access '97 database with tables, queries,
forms, and reports and would like to convert this to
Access 2000.

Thanks for everybody's assistance.

MAKE A BACKUP (of course).

Then just open it in A2000 and accept Access' offer to upgrade.

There are some VBA differences, but if it's just straightforward forms
and reports there should be little or no problem; tables and queries
come over with no difficulty.

John Viescas

What John Vinson said, BUT make sure your Access 97 VB project is compiled
first. Open the database in Access 97 and then open any module. Choose
"Compile and Save All Modules" from the Debug menu. If the compile finds
any bugs, you'll have to fix those first. The conversion process sometimes
fails if the project isn't compiled and saved.

John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out"
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)

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