ControlSource - Question



Hey all, hope someone can help me.

I have a form, with several fields and a button to insert information
from these fields into one table.
I also have a comboBox that gets information from another Table, but
inserts this information at the same table every field does (the table
name is Default).
My problem is, the way everything is working, when a user selects
anything from the comboBox it already create a new Register on the
table (I dont want that but...). If the user fills every field and then
click submit, its all OK to me. But if the user cancel the action, a
new Register was added, and all blank (only the field from the combobox

Question: How to only add data after clicking the Submit button ? The
problem here is the combobox, can I leave it with no ControlSource and
add it only when the user clicks on the Submit button ? I tried this,
but when Im on the Script editor and try cmbBox.ControlSource =
"Mproject" nothing happens.

Can someone help me ? Thanks.

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