controls for advanced forms


nabil m

hi i ahve a small projects that involves visitors loging in to my website
and fillout 3-4 forms - the forms are insurance forms andand can be
complicated and long - i am thinking instead of me have to repreoduce these
forms and the logic behind each one i am looking a components or a control
that help me with that-

basically i have a general contact form - that ties in in my database to
other long forms - one form for example is for an auto quote - in general
the form is long i would like to break it into several pages and i would
like to be able to incorporate some logic as to ask how many drivers a
listed in this car if one driver then show input information for just one
driver if more thant dynamically create more input field for the number of
drivers inputted -

is there something out there that might help me with that or do i have to
start from scratch ?

thx in advance

Kevin Spencer

Sometimes the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. Start
from scratch.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
I get paid good money to
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