

Tormod Engebu

Is it possible to make ordinary controls/components in CSharp and use
it like i could use <object>-tag with COM in a HTML-page?

This page is a locally stored HTML-page, not run through any
webserver, just a single HTML-page browsed to by a FILE://-tag from
another program.

What I want is to open a FILE-url (to this HTMLpage) wich includes a
..Net User/WebControl or Component.

With Visual Studio when I created a UserControl I could just add the
object-tag to a "dead" HTML page to view the Control when
doucleclicking the HTML-page. How is this done with .Net (and CSharp)?
Any tutorials, or is it even possible?

(and NO, I do not have any local webserver available to host any



Just curious why messing with c# when you want usercontrols to html.
Java is very similar to c#, you can write very easely java applet what runs
in html.
C# is good for windows smart client applications.

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