Controlling Insert Copied Cells


J Streger

I read the long discussion that Ron and Peter were trying to answer back in
2005, but another solution was found prior to answering question in the OP.

I am trying to take control of the Inser Copied Cells button on the Row
CommandBar. It is not cooperating very well, as the button appears and
disappears, thus clearing any changes I make to it. So far I know:

1) The option will only appear after a CutCopyMode is not longer false
2) The option will only appear once the user activates the Row Menu.

So I cannot seem to access this command until the menu becomes visible, but
I can't seem to do anything to menu while it's visible. I tried adding an
Application.OnTime event, but that won't fire if the menu is visible.
Essentially I can take over the menu if the user shows it and then selects
elsewhere, but if the show it for the first time, I cannot control that

I'm trying to take it over so that users do not have the ability to copy
formatting from another location into a specific sheet. They need to have the
ability to copy rows or insert rows, but I jusst don't want the formatting to
come with it. I've hijacked all other means, just this one seems impossible
to control. Any idea?

J Streger
MS Office Master 2000 ed.
MS Project White Belt 2003

User of MS Office 2003

J Streger

Row command Bar:

Application.CommandBars("Row").Controls("Insert Copied C&ells")

Also some more testing revealed that protecting the sheet from inserting
rows does turn off this menu option, so there should be a way of affecting
the function either on the fly or accessing it prior to. Still haven't found
a way though.

J Streger
MS Office Master 2000 ed.
MS Project White Belt 2003

User of MS Office 2003

Patrick Molloy

how interesting! I've been doing this for 20 years and I've never used this
menu in code!

thank you :)

so, you can intercept if you will


Sub Intercept()

With Application.CommandBars("Row").Controls("Insert Copied C&ells")
.OnAction = "ShowMessage"
End With
End Sub
Sub ShowMessage()
MsgBox "Hello World!"
End Sub

this means you can write your own code that will paste whatever, or you can
just delete this menu item

J Streger

Ahhh, but the menu option isn't always there for adjust. Try this:

1) Clear the cut Copy Mode.
2) Rt Click on a row number to bring up the menu, and verify that Insert
Copied Cells isn't present.
3) Try to run the Intercept Code. It should fail.


4) Copy any cell to enter cutcopymode
5) Try to run the intercept code. It should fail, as the menu option is there.
6) Rt click on a row number.
7) Run the intercept code. It should succeed.
8) Set CutCopyMode to false.
9) Run the Intercept Code. It should Succeed.
10) Rt Click on the row number. Insert Copied Cells should be gone.
11) Run the Intercept code. It should fail again.

It's this disappearing menu item that is driving me insane! :p

J Streger
MS Office Master 2000 ed.
MS Project White Belt 2003

User of MS Office 2003

Patrick Molloy


10) no. I still have the Insert Copied Cells ... item

i have to reset to clear it.

there's obviously some code in the copy routine that turns this item on or
off internally. bummer

J Streger

Yup and it's added only when the menu is called, meaning you have no time to
actually grab hold of the function.

And the only way to disable it is to protect the sheet, and that is not
acceptable for what I'm doing. *sigh*

J Streger
MS Office Master 2000 ed.
MS Project White Belt 2003

User of MS Office 2003

Patrick Molloy

did you try deleting it?

J Streger said:
Yup and it's added only when the menu is called, meaning you have no time
actually grab hold of the function.

And the only way to disable it is to protect the sheet, and that is not
acceptable for what I'm doing. *sigh*

J Streger
MS Office Master 2000 ed.
MS Project White Belt 2003

User of MS Office 2003

Patrick Molloy

i doubt that works - I'd guess the item gets added when copy is selected,
and I'd expect the OnAction to be recreated then too?

J Streger

I think I figured out how to latch onto it.

I threw the last line in where my method used to have the 2:

On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Row").Controls("Insert Copied C&ells") _
.OnAction = IIf(bOn, IIf(Application.CutCopyMode = False, "", _
"OverrideInsertCells"), "")
Application.CommandBars("Row").Controls("Insert") _
.OnAction = IIf(bOn, IIf(Application.CutCopyMode = False, "", _
"OverrideInsertCells"), "")

It seems Insert and Insert Copied C&ells are both linked, as in they cannot
coexist on the menu, but yet when they switch they share the same properties.
So you can set the OnAction property while on insert, then when you copy and
show the menu, the OnAction method is auto linked to the Insert Copied cells.
You just need to put a line for both as you never know which is actively

J Streger
MS Office Master 2000 ed.
MS Project White Belt 2003

User of MS Office 2003

Peter T

You are on are on the right lines but actually there are three of them that
appear depending on the scenario, have a look in a new instance. Rather than
the brute force perhaps look at what controls already exist on the bar.

for each ctr in commandbars("Row")
debug.?, ctr.caption

If I follow, the objective is to prevent paste formats. What about Ctrl-v or
shift-insert (onkey ?). Have you looked at protecting the sheet but
allowing most user changes except formats, and maybe "allow edit" on the
whole sheet.

Peter T

J Streger

3!?! Wow, I guess I probably should loop rahter than brute force it at that
rate. Thanks for that!

And yes I tried that but too many factors are getting in the way. Protection
is great but the sheets are shared more often than not. Since you can't undo
protection while shared it makes writing code difficult and some things just
aren't possible. I have a ton of code to control Copy, Past, Cut, Insert,
Delete to keep things in order as my user base can be quite...challenging at
time. We are also using Excel 2003 currently, and are using Outline levels,
which also don't seem to work under a protected sheet. I know they fixed that
aspect in 2007, but the protection/shared conflict causes way to many issues.

J Streger
MS Office Master 2000 ed.
MS Project White Belt 2003

User of MS Office 2003

Peter T

I'm always rather nervous of disabling standard coomandbar controls in case
anything goes wrong. Maybe try something along the following lines which
avoids that potential problem and gives you a lot more flexibility control,
eg only cancel the action in a given workbook, or say run test2 in the wb's
activate event and no worries about resetting.

' in a normal workbook
Option Explicit
Private mColCls As Collection
Dim cc As CommandBarButton

Sub test2()
Dim sWBname As String
Dim v
Dim cbr As CommandBar
Dim ctr As CommandBarControl
Dim cls As Class1

sWBname = ActiveWorkbook.Name

Set mColCls = New Collection
For Each v In Array("Row", "Column", "Cell")
Set cbr = CommandBars(v)
For Each ctr In cbr.Controls
Select Case ctr.ID
Case 296, 297, 3181, 3183, 3185, 3187
Set cls = New Class1
Set cls.gCtrl = ctr
mColCls.Add cls, v
Debug.Print ctr.ID, ctr.Caption, v
Exit For
End Select

End Sub

'' in a class named Class1

Public WithEvents gCtrl As CommandBarButton
Public gsWBname As String

Private Sub gCtrl_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
If ActiveWorkbook.Name = gsWBname And Ctrl.ID > 3183 Then
CancelDefault = True
MsgBox Ctrl.Caption & " won't work in " & gsWBname
End If
End Sub

to clear up simply do
Set mColCls = Nothing

Peter T

PS I see a typo in my last post

Peter T

Forgot to include "cls.gsWBname = sWBname"
here's the normal module code again, Class1 code as before it is again

Sub test2()
Dim sWBname As String
Dim v
Dim cbr As CommandBar
Dim ctr As CommandBarControl
Dim cls As Class1

sWBname = ActiveWorkbook.Name

Set mColCls = New Collection
For Each v In Array("Row", "Column", "Cell")
Set cbr = CommandBars(v)
For Each ctr In cbr.Controls
Select Case ctr.ID
Case 296, 297, 3183, 3185, 3187
Set cls = New Class1
Set cls.gCtrl = ctr
cls.gsWBname = sWBname
mColCls.Add cls, v
Debug.Print ctr.ID, ctr.Caption, v
Exit For
End Select

End Sub

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