Control Tip Text won't display



'I have five command buttons on a form. Except for the names, captions and
control tip text properties, all the properties for these buttons are set
identical. Three of the buttons display the control tip when the mouse
pointer hovers over them and two of the buttons won't. Does anyone know why
this could be?



Bruce M. Thompson

Jeff Stroope said:
'I have five command buttons on a form. Except for the names, captions and
control tip text properties, all the properties for these buttons are set
identical. Three of the buttons display the control tip when the mouse
pointer hovers over them and two of the buttons won't. Does anyone know why
this could be?

Try selecting the problem buttons and then from the menu, select "Format, Bring
To Front" and see if that makes any difference. Don't know why this sometimes
works, but it does.


It worked! Thanks Bruce.

Bruce M. Thompson said:
Try selecting the problem buttons and then from the menu, select "Format, Bring
To Front" and see if that makes any difference. Don't know why this sometimes
works, but it does.


Worked for me too! Same problem. The only difference I found between the
buttons where the Control Tip Text worked and where it didn't was that the
buttons which had an OnClick event procedure that called a form didn't work,
but the ones that called a query did. Never mind, bringing them to the front
fixed it. Thanks Bruce!

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