control panel



on my control panel i cant seem to locate my hard drives or my cd-drives
i can go to them using start -run C: etc but not in the control panel Help


18th said:
on my control panel i cant seem to locate my hard drives or my cd-drives
i can go to them using start -run C: etc but not in the control panel Help

the drives are in device manager...
but you will NOT see drive letters assigned there

use windows explorer


18th said:
In my control panel I can't seem to locate my hard drives or my cd-drives
I can go to them using start, run C: etc., but not in the control panel. Help

Try My Computer.

Ken Blake, MVP

18th said:
on my control panel i cant seem to locate my hard drives or my
i can go to them using start -run C: etc but not in the control
panel Help thanks

It isn't entirely clear what you are trying to do, but Control Panel is
*not* the place to look for these. My guess is that you really want to go to
My Computer or Windows Explorer.

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