Control Panel reboots system



Win XP - new installation(about six weeks) - all updates installed.

This computer was working OK, but now every time I click on Control Panel my
system reboots. I started all the cpl files in SYSTEM32 folder and all but
"wscui.cpl" worked as expected. When I try to open "wscui.cpl", my computer

When I boot into safe mode the problem goes away.

Checked the registry entry for "wscui.cpl" and it appears OK.

Use AVG for virus checker and Windows firewall is running.

Anyone have any ideas before major surgery?



right click and go to manage on my computer, and check the log files for
error mesages under event viewer
sort them by date and look for the dates that you had the problem.



Hi Mark

There are a lot entries that seem to be repeats. The only one the has an
error seems to have something to do with a program called "Password Safe".
Going to investigate, and maybe remove it.

Cleared the event files so I will have fresh info to work on.

A couple of more things have happened. I reinstalled sp2 -no change. I let
Win XP try a repair on itself from my install disk.

Now when I try and run "wscui.cpl" it crashes the system to a blue screen
and does a memory dump. I now have a file over 1 Gig in size that I know not
what to do with. Going to investigate how to open it. Probably a wast of time
on my part.

Beginning to think the best thing to do is reformat my C: partition and
start over. If I get too many more problems I am going back to Win 2K, or buy
a MAC.

If I even had a dollar an hour for all the time I have wasted on Windows
from version 3.0, I would be able to take a real good holiday to somewhere
where there are no computers.



Hi Mark

There are a lot of entries in the system log, but non I can relate to the

There is one error that seems to relate to a program called Password Safe.
Will investigate that a little further.

I have cleared all the log events and will recreate my problem and see what
is generated.

There have been a couple of things happen. I reinstalled sp2 -no change. I
booted from my install disk and let Windows do a repair. Now when I try and
run "wscui.cpl" it crashes the system to a blue screen and does a memory
dump. Now I have a 1 Gig+ file that I can't open. Probably would not do me
any good anyway.

I am getting to the point where maybe the best thing to do is re-format my
C: partition and start over. If I have anymore problems I will either go back
to Win 2K or buy a MAC.

I have been thinking -if I had a dollar for all the hours I have wasted on
Windows OS starting from ver 3.0, I could go on a heck of holiday to some
remote location where there are no computers.


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