Control of an OLE object (ppt)



I'm building a 'survey' style template that's going out to a bunch of
different departments.
I'm stuck on a couple of things that I'm trying to do:

Problem 1
There's a big merged cell that responders should type text into.
However, they might not type in text, but they might want to past in a
ppt slide to answer the question.
How do I detect / collect this.
Specifically: I've got a 'progress bar' kind of arrangement, where if
they type something in an entry area, then that's treated as being
completed. This is picked up by a simple hidden page which has
formulas saying "=if(b10="","Incomplete","Complete"), which works
fine, unless they just answer question with an OLE PPT slide, in which
case how do I detect its presence?

Problem 2
The blank form will have some OLE Powerpoint slides built into it, so
that when a user presses on a button then the correct PPT slideshow
pops up. I've got that working nicely. There are 5 PPT objects, each
with some duplicated slides.

My client has asked me to change this to just one PPT presentation,
but when eg. you press 'button 1' only slides 1, 3 and 7 display, and
for button 2 a different combiniation of slides pops up. Is there any
way to do this?

And to top it off, the way I've got it set up at the moment, (using
the following line:

Sheets("Embed").Shapes("Object " & ObjectNumber).Select
'ActiveSheet.Shapes("Object 5").Select
Selection.Verb Verb:=xlPrimary


Whoops! - I inadvertently posted the message mid-typing. I've
continued below........

I'm building a 'survey' style template that's going out to a bunch of
different departments.
I'm stuck on a couple of things that I'm trying to do:

Problem 1
There's a big merged cell that responders should type text into.
However, they might not type in text, but they might want to past in a
ppt slide to answer the question.
How do I detect / collect this.
Specifically: I've got a 'progress bar' kind of arrangement, where if
they type something in an entry area, then that's treated as being
completed. This is picked up by a simple hidden page which has
formulas saying "=if(b10="","Incomplete","Complete"), which works
fine, unless they just answer question with an OLE PPT slide, in which
case how do I detect its presence?

Problem 2
The blank form will have some OLE Powerpoint slides built into it, so
that when a user presses on a button then the correct PPT slideshow
pops up. I've got that working nicely. There are 5 PPT objects, each
with some duplicated slides.

My client has asked me to change this to just one PPT presentation,
but when eg. you press 'button 1' only slides 1, 3 and 7 display, and
for button 2 a different combiniation of slides pops up. Is there any
way to do this?

Problem 3
And to top it off, the way I've got it (problem 2) set up at the moment, (using
the following line: continued.......

Sheets("Embed").Shapes("Object " & ObjectNumber).Select
    Selection.Verb Verb:=xlPrimary

which opens it up as a slideshow, but my client wants the user to be
able to copy section of this and paste it into other parts of the
template, so to open it up in editable powerpoint.

Any pointers greatly appreciated.

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