Control menu through function?



I tried to write a function that will allow me to control the menubar
of an access application that I am developing.

This is what I got but as you see it generates a string and I do not
know how to execute this...
Are there any suggestions as to how I could do this?


Function fMenu(vOnOff As Boolean, vLaag1 As Integer, Optional vLaag2 As
Integer, Optional vLaag3 As Integer)

'With this code the menuitems get enabled/visible
'fMenu(1, 2, 1)for example will enable the first command in the second
item of the topmenu

Dim vAction
Dim vState
Dim vOpdracht

If vOnOff = 1 Then 'translate 1 and 0 to true or false
vState = "True"
vState = "False"
End If

If vLaag2 = 0 Then 'if it concerns second layer, anything gets
invisible instead of disabled
vAction = "Enabled"
vOpdracht = "CommandBars('OK Revisie').Controls(" & vLaag1 & ")." &
vAction & "=" & vState
GoTo Uitgang
vAction = "Visible"
If vLaag3 = 0 Then
vOpdracht = "CommandBars('OK Revisie').Controls(" & vLaag1 &
").Controls(" & vLaag2 & ")." & vAction & "=" & vState
GoTo Uitgang
vOpdracht = "CommandBars('OK Revisie').Controls(" & vLaag1 &
").Controls(" & vLaag2 & ").Controls(" & vLaag3 & ")." & vAction & "="
& vState
GoTo Uitgang
End If
End If

Debug.Print Eval(vOpdracht)

End Function

Alessandro Baraldi

Henrootje ha scritto:
I tried to write a function that will allow me to control the menubar
of an access application that I am developing.

This is what I got but as you see it generates a string and I do not
know how to execute this...
Are there any suggestions as to how I could do this?


Function fMenu(vOnOff As Boolean, vLaag1 As Integer, Optional vLaag2 As
Integer, Optional vLaag3 As Integer)

'With this code the menuitems get enabled/visible
'fMenu(1, 2, 1)for example will enable the first command in the second
item of the topmenu

Dim vAction
Dim vState
Dim vOpdracht

If vOnOff = 1 Then 'translate 1 and 0 to true or false
vState = "True"
vState = "False"
End If

If vLaag2 = 0 Then 'if it concerns second layer, anything gets
invisible instead of disabled
vAction = "Enabled"
vOpdracht = "CommandBars('OK Revisie').Controls(" & vLaag1 & ")." &
vAction & "=" & vState
GoTo Uitgang
vAction = "Visible"
If vLaag3 = 0 Then
vOpdracht = "CommandBars('OK Revisie').Controls(" & vLaag1 &
").Controls(" & vLaag2 & ")." & vAction & "=" & vState
GoTo Uitgang
vOpdracht = "CommandBars('OK Revisie').Controls(" & vLaag1 &
").Controls(" & vLaag2 & ").Controls(" & vLaag3 & ")." & vAction & "="
& vState
GoTo Uitgang
End If
End If

Debug.Print Eval(vOpdracht)

End Function

As you Write the OnAction property can contain a function to Call....!
Why you use EVAL....?
On modify the property the commandbar(Control) will generate the

To call it you need a Function...!

CommandBars('OK Revisie').Controls(" & vLaag1

Now you Need ExecFunc() so....

Public Function ExecFunc()
msgbox "I'm still Executing the menù"
End Function


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