Control Events


Nathan Carroll

Is it possible to loop through events of a control to determine which events
are active? In other words I want to dynamically add controls that will be
clones of controls I have placed in form including any events.

Tom Spink

Hi, after dynamically creating the control, you can use AddHandler to attach
a method to the control's event:

AddHandler MyControl.MyEvent, AddressOf MyEventHandler

Is this what you are looking for?

-- Tom Spink, Über Geek

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Nathan Carroll

When I say 'ParentControl' I mean as a source not a container for the new
control. ie I have properties of my mother but she does not contain me, My
house is my container.

Well I intend to utilize that, but what i'd like is someway to clone the
control as a new control. for instance:
dim NewControl as new TextBox
dim c as control
For each c in me.panel.controls
if typeof c is Textbox
'create control NewControl
'1. 'set properties of newcontrol=properties of c 'via loop
or with
'2. 'Loop events of c and the add handlers to NewControls
end if
end if

I won't know if the control has any events. Would I be able to set all of
the events of the NewControl even if the 'ParentControl' shows no event?
Add handlers for each event of the controltype? Does that make any sense?

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