Control breake report



Hi all,

I have an excel with the following structure. I wat the sum of the amount
just near to the next column of the 'Amount'. I cannot use subtotal because
subtotal will not work here. I kindly request ur advice to write a macros
For loop
if the row is blank <blank row> then find the sum of the previous row
which is not blank and put that sum in next column.

Catagory Group Amount
A A group 12.70
1.00 10.50
<blank row>

B A Group 12.20
1.00 10.00
<blank row>
A A Group 12.20
1.00 10.00

Please help

Mike H


You don't need a macro. Assuming your data to sum starts in C2, Put this in
D2 and drag down


When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

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