Control a variable from multiple cells


Ross Mau

I have an excel workbook with multiple worksheets. How do I create a
cell on each of the pages such that if I change it on any one sheet, I
will get that value in the cell I want on each individual worksheet?

If that's not clear, let's say on sheet 1 I want A1 to be tied to A2
on sheet 2. If I change sheet1 A1 I want sheet2 A2 to change to the
same value. Likewise if I change A2 on sheet 2 I want sheet1 A1 to
take the same value.


That is a circular reference. In this case it cannot be resolved. If you
change A1 on sheet1, A2 on sheet2 changes to it (a1 on sheet1) and sheet1,
A1 then changes to sheet2, A2 which then changes to sheet1, A1 which then
changes to sheet2,.A2 which then changes to sheet1, A1 which then changes to
sheet2, A2, .......etc, Get the idea? Round and round we go. Where does it

Earl Kiosterud


Two possibilities. First, put the value in one cell only, like Sheet1 A1, and have the
others linked to it. In other cells, you would have:
You would change only Sheet1 A1. The links (formulas) must remain in the other cells.

If you need to be able to change any of the cells, and have the others follow, then you need
to have event macros that fire when a sheet is changed, examine which cell was changed, and
if it's one of those we care about, write that value into all the other cells.
Regards from Virginia Beach,

Earl Kiosterud

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When in Rome...

Peo Sjoblom

I apologize Wondering, it was sloppy reading on my part, of course it is
circular reference if one uses formulas



Peo Sjoblom

Earl Kiosterud

Hi guys,

I'm not sure why this circular reference issue has come under my post. My formula
suggestion is to have all the other cells all refer to one cell, then change the data only
in that one cell. There's no circular reference there.
Regards from Virginia Beach,

Earl Kiosterud

Note: Top-posting has been the norm here.
Some folks prefer bottom-posting.
But if you bottom-post to a reply that's
already top-posted, the thread gets messy.
When in Rome...

Peo Sjoblom

Sorry about that Earl, I responded to a post that was responding to you but
I then read the OP's first post thus I retracted it . It is definitely clear
that your solution is not a circular reference so my first post should have



Peo Sjoblom

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