Continuous Reboot


Thomas Jackson

Blooody Marvelous.

I'm beta testing certain microsoft products, and while i'm also going to
post this in their appropriate newsgroups, i feel I should note that I just
installed the DirectX 9.1b release, plus whatever the last 'patch' was.

Basically I'm adding my name to the 'perpetual reboot' list. I tried to
restart my Windows 2000 machine, and it gets as far as a completed little
blue progress meter under the Windows 2000 Professional logo screen, then
poof back to the black progress meter screen (the F8 prompt place), and
repeats forever.

Safe mode doesn't work.
Last known good configuration doesn't work.

Any suggestions?


Paul Dietrich

Thanks for the criticism. Got any HELPFUL insights?

In this case, they are not to be found. As the microsoft download page
warns you, DirectX is NOT removable or downgradible from your machine short
of a complete reformat of your HDD and reinstall of your OS.

Rip out your HDD, put it in slave mode, insert it into another machine and
copy over anything important first.

Best answer there is, really. Take it as a life lesson.

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