Continuous Alphabetization



Hello All,

I am entering some database information into an excel
spreadsheet--namely, clients' names, addresses, phone #s, etc. I know
how to make excel alphabetize all the data according to the name
column. However, there are many duplicates that I come accross, and
so, I find myself having to alphabetize after every entry. Is there
any way to make excel alphabetize every time i move to the next row?


L. Howard Kittle

Hi Michael,

Perhaps an event macro like this will do.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column <> 1 Then Exit Sub
Range("A:A").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending
End Sub



It is possible to have the alphabetical list updated after every entry.
In J1 enter 1, in K1 enter 2, and in L1 enter 3.
Let your data be contained in A2:C15: surnames in column A, addresses in
column B and telephone numbers in column C.
Cell E2: =SUMPRODUCT(--($A$2:$A$15<$A2))
Cell F2: =IF(ISBLANK(A2)=TRUE,ROW()*1000,E2+ROW()/1000)
Cell G2: =RANK($F2,$F$2:$F$15,5)
Cell H2: =ROW(G2)-ROW($G$2)+1
Cell I2: =MATCH($H2,$G$2:$G$15,0)
Cell J2: =INDEX($A$2:$C$7,$I2,J$1)
Copy J2 to K2 and L2
Copy E2:L2 to E2:L15.
Make refinements to suit your needs, for example you could have the
alphabetical list on a different worksheet, and you also probably want to get
rid of the error cells and the zeroes (use an IF function). Also, this is
only a sample list with a maximum of 14 entries. Extend the range to what
you require.

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