Continuing Problems decrypting EFS objects



Here is what I've tried:

-imported old certificate and used RECCERTS.EXE to recover
-ran "EFSINFO.EXE /y" got thumbprint "D831 7101 FE0E C79E
C5DC 2BDD A9EE EB50 2B7E E461"
-ran "EFSINFO.EXE /c [path...]" got:
New Text Document.txt: Encrypted
Users who can decrypt:
ABSJAGUAR\terry (terry(terry@ABSJAGUAR))
Certificate thumbprint: "D831 7101 FE0E C79E C5DC
2BDD A9EE EB50 2B7E E461"

Net: my userid and thumbprint matched that of the
encrypted objects.

-then I tried to decrypt folders and other objects, but
always got "access denied" (tried many variations of
permissions: me (terry) as owner with Full Permissions;
owner as Administrator, "terry" at Full permissions...) I
always checked Effective Permissions to make sure "terry"
had Full Permissons, yet every time I cannot decrypt

-I tried a reset to "Simple File Sharing", still
got "access denied" on decryption attempts.

-Here is what may be the "master clue": I can encrypt a
file within an unencrypted folder that contains other
encrypted objects within it, but I cannot decrypt the file
I just encrypted, "access denied" just like with the older
encrypted folders.

-My user (terry) has always been in the Administrators
group (before system reinstall [when objects were first
encrypted] and now).

-I understand the parent folder is key to whether its new
objects are automatically encrypted or not so I've tried
to decrypt objects within unencrypted folders (which is
another wierd thing: throughout the course of all this,
some objects decrypted, some folders as well as some
files/objects with no discernable permission or EFSINFO
differences from objects that will not decrypt).


Peter Clark

not knowing the workings of reccerts.exe i could not tell
you if your "recovery" was entirely successful. however it
sounds like you probably have the correct public key in
place, but some other orginal component of efs is missing
or incorrect. since you contacted ms support for reccerts
in the first place how come they haven't helped you through
the issue to closure?

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