Continuing execution following an Exception, and Exiting a Function...




I have two questions both by a VB programmer that is learning C#...

1) In a VB error trap routine we would commonly trap the error and write it
to an error log and then attempt to "Resume Next." I have set up an
Exception Handling routine in C# and I would like to do the same thing. How
do I call an equivelent of "Resume Next" in C#

2) I have a situation in which I am performing a logical evalutaion
following a database call at the beginning of a function. If the evaluation
returns true then I have no reason to run the rest of the how
do I call the equivelent of VBs "Exit Function...or Exit Sub Routine" ?

Thank you for your help!

Mattias Sjögren

1) In a VB error trap routine we would commonly trap the error and write it
to an error log and then attempt to "Resume Next." I have set up an
Exception Handling routine in C# and I would like to do the same thing. How
do I call an equivelent of "Resume Next" in C#

You write try/catch/finally blocks as needed. Execution continues
after the block after any exception handler and finally block has

2) I have a situation in which I am performing a logical evalutaion
following a database call at the beginning of a function. If the evaluation
returns true then I have no reason to run the rest of the how
do I call the equivelent of VBs "Exit Function...or Exit Sub Routine" ?



return yourReturnValue;


Chris Dunaway

Just a couple of general answers to your questions. Others may have
better solutions.

1. I assume you have vb code similar to this:

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Some code here that might cause an error
'Log error here
Resume Next

Generally speaking you would use code similar to this in C# (watch out
for typos):

'Some code here that might cause an exception
catch (Exception ex)
'Log exception here
'Code execution resumes here

2. To exit a method in C# you simply call return

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