


hey guys, i want to pop-up a msg when i click on one of the items in the contextMenu, problem is i click on it and it does nothing ???

here is the code:

Private Sub MenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem1.Click
msgbox "Hello World !"
End Sub

what is the problem?

Tom Spink

Are you clicking the correct menu item? Because the code is syntactically
and semantically correct

-- Tom Spink, Über Geek

Woe be the day VBC.EXE says, "OrElse what?"

Please respond to the newsgroup,
so all can benefit
Will said:
hey guys, i want to pop-up a msg when i click on one of the items in the
contextMenu, problem is i click on it and it does nothing ???
here is the code:

Private Sub MenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem1.Click

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

* "=?Utf-8?B?V2lsbA==?= said:
hey guys, i want to pop-up a msg when i click on one of the items in
the contextMenu, problem is i click on it and it does nothing ???

here is the code:

Private Sub MenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem1.Click
msgbox "Hello World !"

The code above won't even compile because the "(", ")" around the
argument list of 'MsgBox' are missing.

Mick Doherty

The code above won't even compile because the "(", ")" around the
argument list of 'MsgBox' are missing.

The IDE will auto-magically put those in, at the same time it auto-magically
corrects the Case.

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