context menus super slow



In the last year or so, I have noticed that my context menus such as
"send to" (when you right click on a file or folder) are extremely
slow. When I right click on a file and pass over that menu option, the
cursor hangs for about 10 second while that menus is populated
(dynamically I assume). Is there a way to speed it up? I wish I could
not have it immediately start populated when my cursor passes it, but
rather have it simply skip over it unless I spend more than 1/2 a
second on it.

On the start menu, my "all program" does the same thing, so every time
I go into my start menu, I have to navigate around it if I want to go
anywhere besides "all programs" (e.g. start menu).

If there is a registry edit that allows you to change the amount of
time your cursor is on a certain place before it tries to populate a
submenu, that would be ideal. Then I could simply raise it a few
milliseconds and possibly solve the problem.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Wesley Vogel

[[When you right-click a file/folder, there may be a huge delay (1 minute or
more) before Windows displays the context menu]]

Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers

Right click causes an error and crashes Explorer.exe after installing
Windows XP SP2


Change the Speed of the Start Menu

Start | Run | Type: regedit | OK

Navigate to >>>
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \
Value Name: MenuShowDelay
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 400
(0 is the fastest, 400 is default. These are all in milliseconds).

Log off, or restart Windows for the changes to take effect.

Or use TweakUI...

[+] Mouse

[[The Menu Speed slider control sets the speed at which cascading menus
automatically open when you move the mouse over them. The fastest setting
causes them to open immediately and the slowest setting is extraordinary

Download TweakUI here >>>

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

Tweak UI

Tweak UI for Windows XP Guide
Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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