Contents of a drop down box based on the selection in another drop



Hello all.

Is it possible to base the contents of one drop down box on the current
selection of another drop down box? For example, lets say I have a table
named "Animals" (with one field named "Animal") and another named "By
Product" (with 2 fields named "Animal" and "By Product"). I then create two
seperate drop downs that get their content from these tables.

If I selected "Cow" from the Animals drop down, I would only like cow
related By Products appear in the "By Products" drop down.

Anyone have an idea how I would accomplish this?

Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.


Iv'e tried several different methods and the code is just not working. All I
get is a blank combo box.

There are 3 tables involved:

Category List

I have a sub form with 2 combo boxes named


in the afterupdate section on the cboCategory combo box, I have the
following script:

Private Sub cboCategory_AfterUpdate()
With Me![cboSub]
If IsNull(Me!cboCategory) Then
.RowSource = ""
.RowSource = "SELECT [sub] " & _
"FROM subcategories " & _
"WHERE [category]='" & Me!cboCategory & "'"
End If
End With
End Sub

While the first combobox (cboCategory) works fine. The second combobox
(cboSub) returns blanks.

Any ideas?

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