Content of cell in Vlookup function


Ernie Fenwick


I have 52 files named "Losses " plus 2 digit week no 01 to 52 plus ".xls"

I have a summary sheet with week numbers in row 2 E to AZ and branch
locations in column C. I want to summarise the losses for each branch for
each week no. I have used a VLOOKUP function which I can manually replicate
for each of the 52 weeks, but it would be nice to pickup the week number
from row 2 and add it to "Losses " and have the formula replcated across the
summary sheet. I have tried looking at INDIRECT and using the ampersand but
I just can't seem to get it right.when I incorporate it into VLOOKUP.

Any help would be appreciated


Ernie Fenwick

I have created a simple test sheet with just 12 in B5 and trying to pick up
the value from Losses 12.xls which is currently open. I then get a "The
formula you typed contains an error" dialog which highlights \"[LOSSES\"
as the error. I have tried removing the \ symbols and then get #REF!



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