

Peter Flint

Please can someone machine has been running slow
for a long period of time I have carried out the usual
normal things like deleting all *.TMP folders and Internet
explorer cookies etc.

I have noticed that when I run a virus scan it searches in
a directory called c:\documents and settings\User\local
settings\temp internet files\content.IE5\FILE NAMES. When
I attempt to navigate to this folder I cannot find it. I
wish to delete the files in this / these folders as there
are literally 1000's of them.

Please can anoyone help.

Kind Regards

Peter Flint.

Wesley Vogel


Right click the IE icon
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Internet Options |

General tab | Delete Files button | OK | Delete Files button
(yes, again) | Check: Delete all offline content | OK

To view:
C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
Start | Run | Type: cleanmgr | OK |
Highlight: Temporary Internet Files | View Files button

peter flint

Thanks V Much Wesley.

I still seem to have the same problem I.E. UNABLE to
navigate to the C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name
Here\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
folder...UNABLE to find the local settings folder. That is
where I get stuck, even if I do a search for the local
settings folder I still cannot find this folder.

I have checked the machine for a virus but there does not
seem to be one. I have installed XP PRO over the top of XP
home edition and some of the settings settings seem to be
a bit off.

Please let me know if you know another way of doing this.

Kind Regards.

Keith Miller

You need to set your explorer view options properly. Folder Options -> View tab -> check "Show
hidden files & folders".

Once you've done this, you'll still won't see content.ie5, just a flat view of the files contained
there. This view is only imposed on the profile of the logged in user. Once you've set explorer to
show hidden files, try navigating to another user profile's Tempory Internet Files and you'll see
what I'm talking about.

If you log on as the default administrator, you can clear out your profile's content.ie5 folder.


Thanks V Much Wesley.

I still seem to have the same problem I.E. UNABLE to
navigate to the C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name
Here\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
folder...UNABLE to find the local settings folder. That is
where I get stuck, even if I do a search for the local
settings folder I still cannot find this folder.

I have checked the machine for a virus but there does not
seem to be one. I have installed XP PRO over the top of XP
home edition and some of the settings settings seem to be
a bit off.

Please let me know if you know another way of doing this.

Kind Regards.

Wesley Vogel


There are two ways to Navigate to what you want to see.

To view:
C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\Local Settings\Temporary Internet

Start | Run | Type: cleanmgr | OK |
Highlight: Temporary Internet Files | View Files button


Start | Run | Type: %TEMP% | OK |
Click the Folders button to expand the tree view
in the left hand pane | Scroll down to and click the [+]
next to Temporary Internet Files | Click the [+] next to
Content.IE5 | Click: Content.IE5 | View the files in the
right hand pane.

Alex Nichol

Peter said:
I have noticed that when I run a virus scan it searches in
a directory called c:\documents and settings\User\local
settings\temp internet files\content.IE5\FILE NAMES. When
I attempt to navigate to this folder I cannot find it. I
wish to delete the files in this / these folders as there
are literally 1000's of them.

That is your Temporary Internet files folder - it actually contains this
Content.IE5 and some folders under that, for efficiency of access, but
Explorer is made to show it as a simple folder without these inside. Go
to Control Panel - Internet Options - and you can clear it out by
clicking the Delete files button in the middle of the General page

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