Contacts with multiple e-mail address's



Just started using Outlook 2002 coming over from Outlook Express. Was able to
import my address book and Contacts appear to be fine. The problem occurs
when I create a new mail and want to choose a recipient. I start a new mail
,click on "to:" and the select names box comes up. For everyone with
multiple e-mail address entries I get multiple entries in the name field and
they all look exactly the same.Eg. I have one contact named John Smith ,he
has 3 e-mail address's entered on his contact form, when I click "to" I get
Smith,John listed 3 times and I can't tell which e-mail is associated with
which name except by trial and error i.e. once I have picked one then it will
show up in the "message reipients " field under the display name associated
with that e-mail. If the one I picked is the wrong one I have to delete and
guess again ? I must be missing something obvious ...

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You aren't missing anything obvious. Outlook 2002 is. It's Address Book
interface is awful. You must either resize it each time or use the
horizontal scroll bar on the bottom to distinguish one address from another.


Thanks Russ ! Actually I was missing something obvious -namely the scroll bar
at the bottom :) Color me emabarrased . That said it is still an awful
interface to say the least. Seems like fixing this would be obvious and not
that difficult but perhaps I'm wrong. A few obvious ones like make this pop
box larger, add right click funcionality ala Express where you get a single
entry with a cascading drop down list of address choices , have one contact
name with their e-mails indented below, ability to select an e-mail address
individually from the contact screen (as it is now if you right click on a
contact and choose "new message to Contact" it generates a new mail addressed
to all of their e-mail adresses- how often do I want to send a message to a
friend in triplicate argh ?) etc. Sorry for the rant but as a new upgrader
? I have to say I am pretty disappointed so far. Thanks again for your help .

Russ Valentine said:
You aren't missing anything obvious. Outlook 2002 is. It's Address Book
interface is awful. You must either resize it each time or use the
horizontal scroll bar on the bottom to distinguish one address from another.
Russ Valentine
rxman said:
Just started using Outlook 2002 coming over from Outlook Express. Was able
import my address book and Contacts appear to be fine. The problem occurs
when I create a new mail and want to choose a recipient. I start a new
,click on "to:" and the select names box comes up. For everyone with
multiple e-mail address entries I get multiple entries in the name field
they all look exactly the same.Eg. I have one contact named John Smith
has 3 e-mail address's entered on his contact form, when I click "to" I
Smith,John listed 3 times and I can't tell which e-mail is associated with
which name except by trial and error i.e. once I have picked one then it
show up in the "message reipients " field under the display name
with that e-mail. If the one I picked is the wrong one I have to delete
guess again ? I must be missing something obvious ...

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

It was fixed in Outlook 2003. You can now resize the Address Book
Russ Valentine
rxman said:
Thanks Russ ! Actually I was missing something obvious -namely the scroll
at the bottom :) Color me emabarrased . That said it is still an awful
interface to say the least. Seems like fixing this would be obvious and
that difficult but perhaps I'm wrong. A few obvious ones like make this
box larger, add right click funcionality ala Express where you get a
entry with a cascading drop down list of address choices , have one
name with their e-mails indented below, ability to select an e-mail
individually from the contact screen (as it is now if you right click on
contact and choose "new message to Contact" it generates a new mail
to all of their e-mail adresses- how often do I want to send a message to
friend in triplicate argh ?) etc. Sorry for the rant but as a new
? I have to say I am pretty disappointed so far. Thanks again for your
help .

Russ Valentine said:
You aren't missing anything obvious. Outlook 2002 is. It's Address Book
interface is awful. You must either resize it each time or use the
horizontal scroll bar on the bottom to distinguish one address from
Russ Valentine
rxman said:
Just started using Outlook 2002 coming over from Outlook Express. Was
import my address book and Contacts appear to be fine. The problem
when I create a new mail and want to choose a recipient. I start a new
,click on "to:" and the select names box comes up. For everyone with
multiple e-mail address entries I get multiple entries in the name
they all look exactly the same.Eg. I have one contact named John Smith
has 3 e-mail address's entered on his contact form, when I click "to" I
Smith,John listed 3 times and I can't tell which e-mail is associated
which name except by trial and error i.e. once I have picked one then
show up in the "message reipients " field under the display name
with that e-mail. If the one I picked is the wrong one I have to
guess again ? I must be missing something obvious ...

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