Contacts and New Mailings


Steve C

I'm trying to determine the best way to design a basic database to track
contacts who receive periodic mailings from us. I have created a Contacts
table (ContactID, Contact), a Mailing table (MailingID, Description) and a
MailingDetails table (ContactID, MailingID).

Once the Marketing Dept. decides to send out a new mailing, my goal is to
create a form where users can enter the name of the new mailing, plus quickly
check off which contacts will be receiving it. Any suggestions on a way to
approach that would be appreciated!

Piet Linden

I'm trying to determine the best way to design a basic database to track
contacts who receive periodic mailings from us.  I have created a Contacts
table (ContactID, Contact), a Mailing table (MailingID, Description) and a
MailingDetails table (ContactID, MailingID).

Once the Marketing Dept. decides to send out a new mailing, my goal is to
create a form where users can enter the name of the new mailing, plus quickly
check off which contacts will be receiving it.  Any suggestions on a way to
approach that would be appreciated!

The answer depends somewhat on the number of recipients you would be
sending to. If it's a manageable number, you could use a multi-select
listbox to choose which people to send the message to and then just
add them to the address list in code.


Another way that I use for larger numbers of recipients: add a yes/no field,
e.g. SendMail, to the Contacts table. Each time a new mailing is created,
update SendMail to FALSE for all contacts. Display all contacts in a
continuous or datasheet form, where SendMail is displayed as a checkbox, and
have users click on this field for each desired recipient. Base your
mail-merge on a query that selects from the Contacts table where

I'm trying to determine the best way to design a basic database to track
contacts who receive periodic mailings from us. I have created a Contacts
table (ContactID, Contact), a Mailing table (MailingID, Description) and a
MailingDetails table (ContactID, MailingID).

Once the Marketing Dept. decides to send out a new mailing, my goal is to
create a form where users can enter the name of the new mailing, plus
check off which contacts will be receiving it. Any suggestions on a way to
approach that would be appreciated!

The answer depends somewhat on the number of recipients you would be
sending to. If it's a manageable number, you could use a multi-select
listbox to choose which people to send the message to and then just
add them to the address list in code.

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