Consolidate an XLS sheet




I would like to consolidate a new sheet retrieving data from two separate
tabs having exactly the same logical organization. Number of rows is known,
and varies among the two tabs.

Conceptually it is a simple sort of iterative loop, not sure how to
implement it though.

Thanks, Stefano


With the two sheets in one workbook, you can insert a new worksheet
and copy the field which uniquely defines a record to the new sheet
from both sheets (one under the other). Then you can obtain a unique
list of these using Advanced filter. Then using a VLOOKUP function you
can bring data from one sheet, or the other, or both (eg descriptions
and other text need only be brought once, but a record may not be
present in both sheets, whereas numbers from both sheets may need to
be added or subtracted).

Sorry the answer is generalised - give further details of your data
layout if you require a more specific solution.

Hope this helps.




I was looking for something which might automate the process something like
extracting X rows from one sheet, Y rows from another, and then collate them
(X + Y) in a new worksheet.

Any idea?

Thanks, Stefano

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