Connection to search web sites.


S Cheung


I was wondering whether anyone has this problem. It
occurred over the weekend for me, after I installed the
latest Windows XP updates/drivers etc. from the Windows
Update site.

After installation, I connected to the web. My
IExplorer's homepage is normally set to
For some reason it could not connect to the page or it was
refused connection to it. I tried downloading Netscape
browser and tried to go to the google site, the same thing
happens. Ok, so I went to, which got there
successfully, and tried doing a search to test it (as
yahoo uses the google engine). When waiting for search
results, it brings me a error page, and cannot connect to
the pages again.

Ok, so my next step was to use Linux which I had installed
on VMware. I set this up so that it uses the same
Internet connection as the host computer. Using Mozilla
in Mandrake Linux, it CAN go to and bring
back search results etc. Rather wierd.

From this, I kind of deduced that its something to do with
the updats I installed. So I decided to roll back the
WinXP system to the day before I installed the updates and
the day which I could get to google's site. After that, I
connected and tried to get to, but again
with no luck, it doesn't connect and is refused connection
to the site.

So from all of this, it seems that it has nothing to do
with the update, so I kind of deduced that is must be
somthing with WinXP or IExplorer.

Can anyone help? It's rather frustrating that I cannot go
to a search engine site to do searches!

Many thanks in advance, look forward to the reply!


Pat Garard

I would be looking at the ISP connection.
It may be noisy - call the ISP tech support.
Hope this helps!

Pat Garard

Roger Duronfio

I did this also. Had things working, upgraded, now they
don't work. I posted my state of affairs two days ago. NO
response. Terrible to "upgrade" something and break a
working configuration that took quite a while to perfect.
Microsoft programmers are dangerous, non-testing people
who hurry to market. Then don't fix their errors!!!
Heard this most of my career and didn't believe it. Now I
Have evidence. Shame it's true....

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