Connection to database




I have a database on our server that is used by staff via
intranet to search for clients etc.
after 2 years we upgraded our server from NT to windows
server 2003. Since the new server, I have been having
problem with the database. i.e. I can no longer get the
intranet to connect to the database anymore. It looks
like the new server is blocking it. I have tried a few
things and even under IIS we made sure that the anonymous
user can have access to the database via intranet to
retrieve information.

now please let me know what else I can do. here is the
code that connects the database to the intranet.
Set objCon = Server.CreateObject
With objCon
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.CursorLocation = 3
.Open "G:\IT Dept\VIA Database\VIA
BackEnd Database\VIABackEndDatabase.mdb"
End With

Do you think I should be doing something else?



yes the path is correct because it was working when we
had NT Server. the databse is still in the same location
on the G drive. so this is due to some security on the
server i believe.
but i don't know how. it is to do with windows 2003
server. I dont' know where to check for the security

Thomas A. Rowe

Note: Windows 2003 ships with many features disabled by default, that in
prior version where enabled by default.

For help, I suggest you post to the Windows 2003 server newsgroup.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Kevin Spencer

It looks like you're using a Mapped Drive letter. Are you sure it's the same


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
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