connection string to connect ms-access with password protected



Hi All,
I have developed an application in ASP.NET and everything went fine till i
found a need to use Crystal Reports, after surfing I found that Crystal
Reports can only be used when I have a pwd assigned to my access db.

my previous connection string goes as follows:

<add key="constring" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=D:/inetpub/wwwroot/myApplication/database/myDB.mdb;" />

1)now when I run the application it gives error sayin Invalid Password
2)Then I changed my connection string to :
<add key="constring" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data

I gives an error saying Could not find Installable ISAM.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.


Kevin Spencer

Hi Naveen,

I have great news fro you. There is a web site that has Connection Strings
for most databases, and it is very comprehensive. See to find your Connection String. I checked,
and they have one for an Access database using password. And the next time
you have a Connection String issue, you can just go there and find the one
you need! :-D


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.


Hi kevin,
Thank for ur reply.


Kevin Spencer said:
Hi Naveen,

I have great news fro you. There is a web site that has Connection Strings
for most databases, and it is very comprehensive. See to find your Connection String. I checked,
and they have one for an Access database using password. And the next time
you have a Connection String issue, you can just go there and find the one
you need! :-D


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.

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