Connecting to C: Root Throught the Network



I have an XP computer that I'm trying to connect to its C: root drive
remotely. I click start > run "computer's IP address\c$". Then I get
prompted for a User name + Password. I try logging in with an account that
is setup on the remote machine and the remote machine's Administrator's
account, but either work. I just keep getting prompted for a user name +
password. I have tried using the ip address\administrator and just
administrator as the user name but that desn't work either. The firewall is
turned off and in the Local security policy > Users Right assignment >
Access this computer for the network > everyone and administrators is

Why can't I connect to the computer's hard drive, or what is the best way to
connect to the C: root? Thank you in advanced!


The samething. I get prompted for a ID & password, and it won't let me get
any further. I enter my ID as computername\logon-name and as logon-name.

Is this some kind of rights or policy issue? I'm stumped.

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