Confused on passing a varaiable to a query



I am confused on this query and I was hoping someone might shed some light on
it. I have a form with a subform(unbound). On the main form I have a
several combo boxes. On the subform are several check boxes and labels name
(chk1, chk2, etc.) and (lbl1, lbl2, etc). The subform is populated from the
decisions of 3 different combo boxes on the main. It then creates a table
and thus populates the subform from this. This all work fine. However, the
user can change many of these boxes to yes/no others they can't. Also, on
this form if the customer has been there previously and changes need to take
place then the form is updated with their previous info.

What I am attempting to do with another combo box (say cbo5)is select the
items from the subform which are true and display them in a combo box. This
list shows the reasons for training. From this combo box I have another
combo box (say cbo6) displayed to get a sub training requirement related to

My question is how do I pass a variable like chk & k matching lbl & k into a
query so I can only pull the ones that are true?

Now I looked at trying to use the table created, but this table is not
updated after changing the yes/no check boxes. Also, if possible I prefer not
to use it for several other reasons.

Can I pull the info straight from the subform? If so, how do I use the
variable & k?

Once I have this, I several other combo boxes to fill this same requirement
but exclude the one that was shown in cbo5.

This is something I have not yet done before.
Thanks for any help


Never mind, I got it to work. Not exactly what I wanted but it works that's
the main thing. I was hoping I could pass the variable instead I listed each
item in the query. Oh well...

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